Beautiful Signatures

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Beautiful Signatures

Beautiful Signatures - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Beautiful Signatures Terms Of Service

We love making Beautiful Signatures and hope each person has a positiveand great experience with us. So to be fair to all siggy makers/requestors we ask each person read, sign, and abide by the few guidelines below. PLS read in its entirety to ensure you understand these terms.Thanks for visiting us and we hope you enjoy the beautiful signature our designers will make for you.

Please be kind, patient, and respectful to all designers in this group.

Please remember to READ each individual designers full request post before you request with them.They change them often.

We kindly ask that you ONLY submit (1) siggy request per week (do NOT ask for more than one siggy maker per week b/c multiple requests will be DELETED.Tag and dangly offers are not included.

Also, We ask that you kindly post a comment, thank you, etc when you pick up your completed sig. It only takes a few seconds of your time to let your designer know you saw and saved your request.

If you do not post a comment letting the designer know, you will not be allowed to request again. Our designers spend sometimes hours on one request, it isn't too much to ask that you spend a few seconds to thank them for their time.

Please read and sign (agree) the Group Guidelines thread b4 requesting a siggy or ur siggy will not be made.

ABSOLUTELY DO NOT PM siggy makers unless the designer has contacted you FIRST. PLS don’t PM siggy requests either b/c they will be ignored and deleted.

You may not request a siggy for another person.Ask your friend or family member who wants one to join our forum,ty.

Most importantly, pls remember siggies are made at the designers discretion and at their own times.

NOTE: We do not fix or make changes to another designers work...if you need something changed or fixed, you need to go to the same designer who made it originally.

These are non-comercial signatures,We DO NOT Profit from these,they are free.If you have a website we do not create websets,graphics etc..they are for personal use only.